
Deep brain stimulation could reduce emotional impact of memories | New Scientist

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We are more likely to remember emotional experiences than neutral ones, but deep brain stimulation using implanted electrodes reduces this memory effect, so could be used to treat PTSD Disposable Cautery Pads

Deep brain stimulation could reduce emotional impact of memories | New Scientist

Deep brain stimulation uses electrodes implanted in the brain Image Point Fr/Shutterstock

Deep brain stimulation uses electrodes implanted in the brain

Deep brain stimulation could be used to reduce the emotional strength of a person’s memories and may one day even help tackle post-traumatic stress disorder.

Salman Qasim at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York and his colleagues investigated the link between emotion and memory by reanalysing data from a previous study. “We really wanted to understand how the brain kind of naturally enhances memory for certain events over others,” says Qasim.

In the study, 148 people …

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Deep brain stimulation could reduce emotional impact of memories | New Scientist

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